I am a graduate student, M.S. Information Design + Data Visualization candidate at Northeastern University.

A square image of a scatterplot

144 Craft Chocolate Bars, Ranked. A visualization of almost every ethically-sourced chocolate bar I've tasted. Ranked on a 0-5 scale (5 = the best).

A square image of a leaflet map of Boston

Commuting to My Favorite Places in Boston. For this project requiring the use of a BlueBikes station dataset, I set out to find the fastest way to get to all 10 of my favorite places in/around Boston on a weekday at 5pm, and if there were any BlueBikes nearby.

A square image of circles representing the area of different national parks

U.S. National Parks. An exploration into visitation and size of our 63 National Parks using p5. Smoky Mountains -not Yellowstone or Zion- is the most-visited park in the country!